
all instruments & vocals by Doug Ludwig   ))   Maine, United States

how it sounds at my house sometimes, uploaded here to share with you all...
anytime, anywhere
the music here is not for sale

whatever I play - blues, rock, soul, funk - gets kind of jazzmogrified... whether it's an asset or a deficit I'm not sure - it's what I got - cut a deal at a crossroads long ago but I grew up playing in church... lately I was there again subbing on handbells

album cover art & photographs by Doug Ludwig, except where otherwise credited

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how it sounds at my house sometimes, uploaded here to share with you all...
anytime, anywhere
the music here is not for sale

whatever I play - blues, rock, soul, funk - gets kind of jazzmogrified... whether it's an asset or a deficit I'm not sure - it's what I got - cut a deal at a crossroads long ago but I grew up playing in church... lately I was there again subbing on handbells

album cover art & photographs by Doug Ludwig, except where otherwise credited

Member since: 4 years


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